Currently lifestyle diseases are more threatening than communicable diseases in our state. The cost of treatment for these diseases is prohibitively high and therefore Loyal is following an unique & at your doorstep" preventive healthcare initiative.
Loyal’s healthcare workers visit homes in villages and do on-the-spot blood pressure and urine checks. If any one of the parameters is out of control then the blood sample is drawn and tested by qualified doctors, again, at the doorstep of the villagers.
Remedial medicine for hypertension and/or diabetes is provided at appropriate dosage to the patients at their homes free of cost and regular periodic follow-up is also done by qualified doctors
again at the doorstep of the villagers. By keeping the disease identified under control, it is found that over 70% of renal failure, heart
attacks needing intervention and strokes are prevented. The whole process is extremely cost- effective.
Loyal’s current program covers 40,000 villagers. Loyal is expanding this extremely cost-effective, preventive medicare "at your doorstep programme" to other villages, hoping to cover a largernumber of villagers in the future.