At Loyal we believe that Corporate Social Responsibility is a continuously evolving philosophy. Following all the laws of the land and being legally compliant is a pre-requisite. Going beyond just following the rules of the land when it comes to caring for the environment, not seeking benefits from the government with which we cannot deliver a greater social good than leaving it with the government itself, being morally fair to our stakeholders be it suppliers, employees, customers etc.
At Loyal we believe in constantly reviewing our CSR policies and refining them as we become economically more empowered and consequently socially empowered to continuously raise the bar on what we consider right and wrong and go far beyond legal requirements in all spheres.
At Loyal we believe it is our responsibility to share the wealth thus created with our sharehodlers, employees as well as the society at large in proportion to the profits.
We strongly believe that it is the duty of economically empowered organisations to involve in policy advocacy that reduces the unnecessary transfer of taxpayers money to private enterprises through unwanted subsidies, incentives, etc. In other words, work with a deep sense of responsibility towards
the inclusive growth of our nation. At Loyal we believe that it is more important to create wealth without creating distortions to the nation's inclusive growth or by compromising fairness in dealing with stakeholders including the environment than just sharing a small portion of the profits with the society at large.