Loyal Textile Mills Ltd has four spinning mills located at Kovilpatti, Sattur, Arasanur and Naidupet (Andhra Pradesh) having around 150,000 ring spindles, 4,800 rotors and vortex spinning. The entire ring spinning capacity is compact. Loyal also has a siro compacting facilities. Loyal has state-of-the- art machineries including auto doffers and link coners.
Following is a list of machines Loyal has at its various factory locations:
- Spinning – Rieter, Trutzschler, Marzoli, Electrojet, Suessen, LMW (Model LR9/AXL), KTTM (Auto Doff Ring frames), Toyota
- Vortex Spinning – Loyal has the latest generation Murata vortex machines which can process 100%
polyestor and coloured fibres. - Open end Spinning – Rieter BT 923, Orlikon AC 08 and BD 416 machines
Yarn Conditioners – Xorella steam setting machines
Gassing – RITE - Twisting – Murata and Peas Metler parallel winding machine and Veejay Lakshmi TFOS Autoconers – Schlofhorst -Preci Fx, AC 6 autoconers, Murata –Q pro and F Pro autoconers, vortex spinning ,Savio –Polar Autoconers.
- Testing equipments – USTER and PREMIER for testing raw materials, sliver, roving and yarn for all
critical parameters, including hairiness index
Loyal extensively uses imported cotton from Egypt, Supima from US, Pima from Israel and also organic cotton. Contamination in cottons is cleaned through a combination of manual cleaning and multi-stage camera-based contamination clearers coupled with polysensors to remove all types of white polypropylene.
Autoconers are also equipped with the latest generation clearers to remove all kinds of contamination including white polypropylene. The annual production of yarn is more than 34,000 tons, which includes the following :
- Ring Spun: 100% cotton, polyester blends, viscose blends, modal blends, linen blends and lycra
blends in the count range of Ne 10s to Ne 120s - Open End: 100% cotton, PC Blends in the count range of Ne 6s to Ne 24s
- Specialty yarns such as, multi fibre blend, multi-count, multi-twist and slub yarn, neppy yarn, siro
compact yarn, snow yarn, linen blends - Melange Yarn
- E mélange
- Recycled Polyester
- Organic Cotton Yarn
- BCI cotton Yarn
- Carbon Yarn
- Kermal Blended Yarn

This division has 4 separate spinning blocks with over 53,040 spindles and 1,440 open-end rotors including Autocoro with Corolab. All 4 blocks have a combined capacity of 20,000 kg for ring spun yarn and 10,000 Kgs of open end yarn. We have the flexibility to run small batches of different yarns like Cotton, PC, Modacrylic, Aramide, etc, in parallel.
Sattur unit has 5 separate spinning blocks with over 61776 spindles and a vortex unit with two vortex machines. All 5 blocks have a combined capacity of 35,400 kg for ring spun yarn and 2,000 Kgs of Vortex yarn. We have the flexibility to run small batches of different yarns like Cotton knitted yarn, Modal or tencel blended yarn, PC and viscose vortex yarn, mélange, E mélange, siro compact, recycled polyester etc, in parallel.
Loyal’s twisting unit at Sattur houses Murata and Peas Metler parallel winding machine, 21 TFO machines, 160 drums RITE gassing machines and 400 drums of winding machines. The unit is also equipped with Xorella steam setting machines to condition hosiery yarn and folded yarn from 2/10’s to 2/140’s gassed.
This division has 13,056 spindles and produces carded counts in the range of 10s to 20s. It can produce fancy yarns like slub, multi-count and multi-twist. Production per day is 7000 kg. The division has 2,688 rotors of open end machines. The open end division is divided into three sections. One section can produce 100% cotton, another section polyester blends and the third section mélange or recycled fibres. The count range is 10s to 24s. It can produce around 10,000 kg per day.
This division has 22,848 spindles and produces combed compact yarn in counts 40s, 50s and 60s. Production per day is 10,000 kg. It also has two open end machines to produce 16s to 20s OE counts.